Leather bags are difficult to maintain because of the special material, so what should I pay attention to for leather bag maintenance?
1. General leather bags need frequent maintenance oil, occasional cleaning, the practice is to wipe the oil on a clean cotton cloth, and then evenly wipe the surface, avoid the oil directly on the leather parts to avoid damage to the leather parts, special attention to avoid chemical substances damage, hard leather bags to avoid the impact of sharp objects and scratches. 2. Leather is highly absorbent and should be protected from stains, with particular attention to high-grade sanded leather. 3. Once a week, dip a dry towel in water and wring it out and repeat several times for a light wipe.4.
4. If there is a stain on the leather, blot it with a clean wet sponge with a warm detergent and let it dry naturally. You can try it in an inconspicuous corner before using it.
5. If you get grease, you can use a cloth to wipe it off and let the rest dissipate naturally or clean with detergent, not water.Warm Tips: The latest market news is always available, please follow LuFuture.com app.