YSL, known as Yves Saint laurent, is a famous French luxury brand founded by Yves Saint Laurent, who was born on August 1, 1936 in French North Africa, Algeria, and specializes in fashion, beauty products, perfumes, bags, glasses, and accessories.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Saint Laurent took the brand to a peak with its taboo-breaking avant-garde spirit and began to venture into perfume, makeup, and more. But the naming of the products was extremely controversial, such as the oriental notes of opium perfume, the French romance of Paris and champagne perfumes, and the champagne perfume was even sued by the French wine merchants, who not only had to pay for it but also to change the name. The first time that the name of YSL Opium broke with tradition, it was a worldwide sensation and still ranks among the top perfumes in the world today. So far, Saint Laurent’s main perfumes are: Left Bank (RiveGauche1971), Opium (Opium1977), Paris (Paris1983), Champagne (Champagne1993) for men: Saint Laurent (YSLPourHomme1971), Kouros (1981), Jazz ( Jazz1988), opium male perfume and so on. Warm reminder: The latest market trends at any time, please follow LuFuture.com app..
Yves Saint Laurent, Saint Laurent, YSL, luxury brands, makeup,