Louis Vuitton bags were one of the first luxury handbags that come to mind, and part of the first luxury handbags for many women. The main reason for this is the undeniable quality and craftsmanship of the bags: for example, their coated canvas material is very durable, scratch and tear resistant, so it will last for years. Another reason is that LV has many different designs each season, so it offers something for everyone, including entry-level designs that are great for the luxury novice. Also, because the fashion house has been around for so long, there is an extensive second-hand market where you can buy many classic garments: Speedy, Noé and Neverfull, for example.
Whether you’re looking to invest in your first luxury Louis Vuitton handbag or just want to add a new colorway or silhouette to your growing collection, we’ve got the ultimate guide to shop the best styles right away. From seasonal pieces like the Coussin and Twist to closet icons like the Neverfull and Speedy, these LV bags will be a choice you’ll never regret.

1. Louis Vuitton Coussin
Another new addition to Louis Vuitton’s accessories department, the Coussin has a fluffy style leather finish, which is fitting considering that Coussin means “cushion”. Underneath the padded, floral-embossed look, there are three connected compartments, giving you no reason to carry a cluttered handbag. Plus, the heavy chain strap (which can be engraved with the logo if you look close enough) ensures the bag’s Instagram appeal!

2. Louis Vuitton Speedy
One of Louis Vuitton’s most popular styles and a mitzvah for lovers of designer bags, this timeless bag has been a LV staple since the 1930s. originally designed as a travel bag, the Speedy is now available in a variety of sizes and finishes.

3. Louis Vuitton Tote Bags
No bag collection would be complete without a spacious tote, and Louis Vuitton offers so many luxurious styles that we’re really spoiled for choice. When it comes to the perfect office tote, all you have to do is look at the all-black LockMe, which has plenty of room for your workday essentials. In the market for something more versatile? The Folding Tote can expand when you need more space, thanks to the convenient folding leather crotch on the side.

4. Louis Vuitton Capucines
It is a sophisticated style for day and evening use and features two interior compartments, a sturdy top handle and a detachable shoulder strap. Named after Louis Vuitton’s first store on Rue Neuve des Capucines in Paris, the Capucies bag debuted in the fall of 2013 and has been a sought-after style from season to season ever since. The mother-of-pearl initials on this soft pink Capucines Mini. the Capucines BB features a blue and white gradient finish, an elegant interpretation of the tie-dye trend.

5. Louis Vuitton Twist
The sleek Twist bag made its debut at Louis Vuitton’s 2015 Parade show with a modern look and understated design that gives it a different feel. In addition to being uniquely functional for the LV brand, this bag is a modern classic for its versatility. From totes to purses, it comes in all sizes for any occasion.
The twist bag is covered with contrasting letter combinations as a nod to Louis Vuitton’s heritage.