A leather bag is really expensive, usually need a thousand dollars to buy down, if the brand is more famous, then the price is much more expensive, so for the maintenance of the leather bag, we must pay more attention, so that we can well ensure the normal use of the leather bag, while ensuring the beauty of the bag. The following is a small to tell you about the maintenance skills of leather bags.
First, our leather bag in the case of non-use, to pay attention to preservation, it is recommended that you need to pay attention to the leather bag must not be damp, once damp then the leather bag will appear cracks, or will be mold, then it will be difficult to recover. Second, we should pay attention to the protection of the leather bag when we go out, generally speaking the leather bag is most afraid of rain, especially now the air pollution is relatively large, when it rains there is a lot of acid, so then more damage to their leather bag. Third, once our leather bags are wet by rain or snow, it is recommended that you take home immediately after treatment, first with a dry rag to wipe the water clean, and then use the leather bag protection oil to polish, and then put in a dry shade dry. Fourth, we usually go out and come back, to their own leather bags in time to clean up, to avoid the accumulation of dust, you can use a clean soft a little dry cotton cloth to wipe, and wipe the time to pay attention to not too much force, to protect the surface layer of the leather bag. Fifth, our leather bags accidentally stained with oil, it will be very headache, because wipe up very troublesome, in fact, we can use toothpaste to clean, so the leather bags can quickly remove the oil, and will not damage the quality of the bag. Sixth, after two or three months of use, leather bags should be maintained on time, mainly to their own leather bags for oil rubbing and polishing maintenance, in addition to leather bags inside the bag should also be cleaned to protect your leather bags shiny as new, the same as when you bought it. Seventh, our leather bags are most afraid of the sun, if the leather bag is exposed to the sun is likely to peel, once this happens it is difficult to repair, so you remember to place the leather bag, in addition to the leather bag should be careful not to be pierced by sharp objects. Luxury goods, bags,