Today’s bag buyers demand not only beautiful, but also practical and high-grade bags, so luxury brand bags have become a popular choice for women, and men are no exception. So buying a luxury brand bag is not only a pursuit of beauty anymore, but also a spiritual experience. However, when buying a bag, you often don’t know which are the luxury brand bags, so the next step is to reveal the secret and look at the list of luxury brand bags:
Top 1: LV (Louis Vuitton)For the LV bag is almost every woman’s heart wants to have, and its style and style is also very new, especially its classic color, can be very versatile, and its brand concept is also quite key, support it to become one of the world’s first line of big brands.
Top 2: CHANELAlmost all of Chanel’s brands are tailor-made for women, and the elegance and generosity that is synonymous with it is also the very beginning of the brand’s origins, and now Chanel has a pretty good position in almost every field.
Top 3: GucciThis brand has always been the darling of high society, and if it can compete with LV, then it is really Gucci, whose brand is most notably known for being upscale, luxurious, and sexy, and because of that it is the goal that people go after
Top 4: Coach (Coach)
This brand is focused on making branded bags, and there is no such thing as too much tailoring for the bags, but rather keeping a lot of the original style of the bags, but both the quality and the feel are the best
Top 5: Hermes (Hermes)In fact, Hermes has been around for quite a long time and has not fallen during the process of family renewal, but has achieved its current status, and today Hermes still has the purpose of making all its products as beautiful and impeccable as possible.
Top 6: DiorDior has been involved in almost every field, but this does not affect the power of the brand and its status as a standard for many mature women and a brand that women are always seeking. And it also carries on the tradition of French haute couture.
Marc Jacobs,Burberry,Brand Bag List,Chanel,Hermes,Coach,Gucci,Chloe,Prada,Louis Vuitton,Luxury Brand,Dior,Hermes,Burberry,Luxury,Fashion Week,Chanel,Prada,Gucci,LV,Coach,Dior,Bag,