The Prada brand started in 1913 and has a very long history of the brand. The company has a long history of being a luxury brand, and its bags are more simple and comfortable than many other luxury brands that focus on luxury style. The price of a Prada bag is relatively high as it belongs to the world famous luxury brand. If you ask how much Prada bags generally cost, because Prada bags have a very rich series, material, size, design are also different, so how much a can not be generalized. The following is a list of 3 more classic Prada bag prices that can be used as a reference.
1、Prada Prada Women’s Classic Grained Cowhide Handbag :¥8369.00Bag size: 38*33*12cm
Bag material: 100% cowhide2、Prada Prada litchi grain light gray cowhide handbag shoulder bag ¥10269.00Bag size: 33*33*14cmBag material: cowhide3. Prada Prada Patent Leather Handbag ¥13169.00Bag size: 35*20*14cmBag material: patent leather shoulder strapWarm reminder: The latest market trends at any time, please follow app.Prada, luxury brand, Prada bag, Prada, luxury goods, shoulder bag, bag,