Chanel bag fakes are popping up all over the place, which requires you to arm your mind with some knowledge about identifying Chanel bags.
Chanel Bags – LeatherMost Chanel is made of lambskin (or calfskin), which is darker and has a bumpy feel to it. Chanel bags have an upright body shape and do not cave in. Especially sheepskin bags, not only feel good to the touch, and will have a kind of original leather flavor. The fake Chanel used is not sheepskin, leather reflective, elasticity is also poor; cowhide bag material grain is clearer, the grain sense is more obvious, and itself with a comfortable original leather smell, brace and shapelyChanel Bags – Logo
Most of the real Chanel logos are gold plated and the gold plating is very thick. The fake logo is thinly plated, and although the color looks very golden, it is more likely to fade. At the same time the authentic metal parts are meticulously made and of heavier quality, and if there are engravings or engravings on them, the lines are delicate and clear;
Chanel Bags – ZipperMost authentic Chanel zippers have a jewelry-themed hook and loop at the hook and chain, usually an early lion’s head or the famous double C shape. Authentic zippers have a heavier weight and the zippers are delicately made with moderate density.
Chanel Bags – InsideThe genuine Chanel bag can be seen inside with the stamping Chanel and Made in France/Italy. The bag has a small sticker on the inside with a computer-printed number, which is the same as the number on the identity card and the number on the original box. The fake sticker will have traces of alteration and the number was typed on with an electric typewriter.
Tips to identify Chanel bags:1. Chanel lambskin leather bags can be checked for authenticity from the smell of leather and the neatness of the stitching. 2. The number on the anti-counterfeit laser sticker on the inside pocket of the Chanel leather bag should be the same as the guarantee card. 3. Lambskin and lychee grain are two of the most imitated Chanel leather bag materials. The company’s products are also available in a wide range of sizes and sizes. 4. The Chanel leather bag itself is very straightforward and does not have a sense of collapse. The company’s products and services are available in a wide range of sizes and sizes. 5. The most powerful distinction between authenticity and authenticity is that the serial number of the guarantee card attached to the Chanel purse is the same as the serial number on the anti-counterfeit sticker (open the inner pocket of the purse and look carefully at the bottom, you will find a glowing anti-counterfeit sticker) to be authentic. Warm reminder: The latest market news is always available, please follow app..
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