Saint Laurent bags are classified as mid to high end grade.
Saint Laurent is a luxury brand under the Kering Group, a famous French luxury brand founded by Mr. Yves Saint Laurent, who was born in French North Africa Algeria on August 1, 1936, mainly dealing with fashion, beauty products, perfumes, bags, eyewear, accessories and so on. When talking about Saint Laurent, the first reaction will be to think of Saint Laurent makeup, but in fact Saint Laurent bags are also popular with many people. Although the history of Saint Laurent bags is not as long as many luxury brands, and their popularity is not as high as that of LV and Fendi, they still have a high status in the hearts of the public. The most classic of the Saint Laurent bags is the chain messenger bag. It is made of high quality cowhide, the model is simple and generous, super practical four square design, for access to things particularly convenient. It can be handheld, shoulder or even crossbody, so the bag has been the preferred choice of many office workers and white-collar workers. Warm Tips: Stay tuned to app for the latest market updates.Luxury brands, luxury brands, Saint Laurent, LV, luxury goods, eyewear, makeup, Fendi,